Monday, December 21, 2009

I hate christmas.

When I was little, I used to love christmas...Before my parent's split up, we spent every year at Nana's house, but had supper at Granny's on Christmas Eve, that's the way it was. Then they split up and things stayed relatively similar, we stayed over at Dad's house on Christmas Eve, woke up extremely early, opened all of our presents, then we went to Granny's house for brunch, then went over to Nana's house and stayed there all day. It was simple and the routine never changed for 10 years. Til last year, Granny made a big fuss that our relatives from Canada and Scotland would be over, and we'd need to be there. So we just flipped it all around, Nana's for brunch, Granny's for lunch, and it sucked. Granny can't cook, my brother and I always end up in arguments with our cousins, our relatives all got super drunk and then I got locked in a broom cupboard for an hour. Seriously, not a great way to spend Christmas.

So this year, we decided we'd do something really different, and my Mum, brother, Dad and I, were all going to head down to Victor Harbor for a couple of days around Christmas time, that way, we wouldn't have to decide which house to go to. I was happy with that. I was happy that we would be spending Christmas as one big happy family like the good old days.

But no, someone had to go and ruin that as well. Now we're not going to Victor Harbor, and my Grandparents are fighting over which house we should spend lunch at. If we don't have lunch at Nana's, we won't see our little cousins, which would be tragic. If we don't go to Granny's, we don't see our cousin on his 16th birthday, which frankly, my brother and I really don't give a shit about. Nana has nicer food, our closer family are there, it's just a tradition to spend Christmas at Nana's.

I think I might just hide in my room all of Christmas Day, that sounds like fun.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Someone once told me that happiness often sneaks through a door you never left open..

I think it was Sarah. Actually. Maybe not. Anyway, it doesn't matter who said it. I never quite understood how that made any sense.....Til now :D I've been on a super happy high since around 3 this morning. It's quite awesome.

So yeah, I actually don't have much else to say. Except that last night was the most fun I'd had in ages...Went seriously hyper...didn't even need any sugar or caffeine, we just went randomly hyper! It was FUN! Then we decided at like 8.30 that we should randomly dye our hair. So we forced Lisa's mum to drive us around til we found a shop that was still open and sold hair dyes. So yes, now I have 'chocolate' hair, and Lisa has 'Blueberry.'

'Twas fun...shows I don't have much exciting news *coughcoughcoughcoughcough*

I'm just not blogging of anything of actually importance anymore :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

My friends are seriously amazing.


My friends are awesome.

I guess I did pick the right ones hey?

Even if I get on their nerves by being stupid and stubborn and making stupid jokes, or asking randoms to marry me, they still love me :D


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Me and my odd thoughts....sigh.

I had an odd thought today, whilst sitting in my classroom after i'd finished my science exam after 15 minutes when we had an hour and a half.

I was thinking that I absolutely hate the fact that certain friends of mine don't regard me as a Christian at, it's kind of difficult to say without naming names, but a fair few of my friends only discovered this week that I go to church and youth group and actually am a Christian....just cos I don't go around preaching to our non-christian friends, or go around I hate gay people or whatever...

It makes me think I musn't be showing my values too well if a few of my friends don't realise that I'm even a Christian...I must be doing a pretty crappy's the job of Christians to share the amazingness of God, but when the people you hang out with on a daily basis don't know you're a Christian, it makes you think you're not doing too good a job.


That is all folks.