Sunday, November 15, 2009

who is really going to bother reading this...i'm way too tired, i just decided to blog about some stuff we did last night..

I'm extremely sunburnt. And it hurts. It hurts to smile, which is really annoying. I've also got a weird cut in my foot...I think it might be from the pool, but I really don't know where I got it. Anyway...Last night was surprisingly extremely fun! Not that I was expecting it to not be fun, I was just expecting it to be kind of awkward maybe? But yeah...we went swimming, then 3 of us cooked the bbq and possibly burnt the rissoles and undercooked the burgers. But anyway...Then we ate and I think we may have gone swimming again. Then sometime at around midnight we started watching Sweeney Todd. I fell asleep and ironically woke up when someone said "PIE!" And everyone was eating it. Talk about freaky. I can't really remember much after that...I was WAY too tired. I remember lying on a towel with Ben and Ally and Ben attempting to throw weeds at us. I also remember everyone watching Chicago and hearing really loud brass while I was trying to sleep. The next thing I remember is waking up to the end of Chicago. Then I think they started watching West Side Story, but Ally and I decided that the cat was getting to us, so we went outside to put our feet in the pool. Before the sun was up. Gee we're weird. Then at about 7 everyone came outside and swam AGAIN. After that I think I made breakfast. I made everyone pancakes(although Ben and Ally did help at the start, then left me to play wii...) So I made the pancakes then realised I hadn't made enough for me or Ally. Oops. Then I kind of left Brandon's kitchen in a pig sty with pancake batter on the floor. SORRY BRANBOY! Anyway, after that I think we played wii and went swimming AGAIN. And we weren't tired. That's just weird.

Anyway, I just decided blogging was a good alternative to sleep, even if it's 10.13 and in the past 2 nights i've gotten 6 hours sleep. I've also read 30 pages of FML. It's quite entertaining really...But now I really think I should go to bed, or at least attempt it.

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